How to Prepare for your Regulatory Caseload Hearing

Prepare for Hearing


You are allowed to testify and have witnesses. A witness is someone who will give testimony to support your case. You need to make sure they are available at the time of the hearing. The agency may also have witnesses.

Witnesses should be those who know first-hand about what happened in your case.

Witness lists

If you have witnesses, you must tell the judge and the agency. You must do this by the deadline in your prehearing conference order.

Here is a form you may use.


Exhibits are documents you want the judge to read before making a decision. If you have exhibits, you must:

You must do this by the deadline in your prehearing conference order.

Mail or deliver all documents to the following address:

Washington State Office of Administrative Hearings

P.O. Box 42489

2420 Bristol Court SW

Olympia, WA 98504-2489

If you fax your documents, you must also mail them to OAH within 24 hours. The fax number is 253-593-2200.

You can file documents or review your case information through the Participant Portal.

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