Normal office hours are 8:00am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. This list is updated if any office has adjusted hours due to bad weather or other hazardous conditions.
If you have any questions, contact OAH at (360) 407-2700 or (800) 366-0955. Staff are available by telephone from 7:00am - 5:00pm.
Phone Hearings with Office Closures
If the office is closed and you have a phone hearing:
- Follow the call-in instructions on your Notice of Hearing.
- Our judges usually can conduct telephone hearings even if an office is closed.
Olympia Office
The Olympia office is currently closed to the public.
Seattle Office
The Seattle office is currently closed to the public.
Spokane Valley Office
The Spokane Valley office is currently closed to the public.
Tacoma Office
Effective 11/18/2024, open by appointment only.