Unemployment Resources

How do I research the law?

OAH cannot provide legal advice. If you would like to research the law, click Legal Research and Resources.

Additional resources:

Resource Phone Number Website
OCLA (Office of Civil Legal Aid)

New COVID-19 resources including free legal representation
  OCLA Website
Unemployment Law Project

Free legal representation, and free advice and counsel

(888) 441-9178 (Seattle)

(800) 940-9178 (Spokane)

Email: info@ulproject.org

Form: ULP Contact Page (click "Ask a Question")

Fax: (206) 727-4819

Employment Security Department

(800) 318-6022 www.esd.wa.gov

Title 50 RCW

(Statute governing Employment Security Department hearings)

  Title 50 RCW

Washington Law Help


Past decisions from ESD hearings

  Precedential Decisions

OAH Legal Research & Resources page

  Legal Research

Click below to view the brochure “How to Prepare and Present Your Unemployment Hearing.”

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