How to Prepare for your Unemployment Hearing

Preparation for Hearing

How do I prepare?

You will receive a Notice of Hearing and a packet of information. Read these documents carefully. You should have these documents with you during the hearing.

If you have more documents you want the judge to see, you must immediately send them to the judge and all other parties listed in the Notice of Hearing. OAH will not send additional documents to the other parties. Do not wait to submit your documents. If you do not follow these instructions, your documents may not be considered.

How do I participate?

Your hearing will be held by telephone. Your Notice of Hearing will have detailed instructions.

If you misplace your Notice of Hearing, call OAH at (360) 407-2700 or (800) 583-8271.

If you want witnesses to participate, you will need to give them the instructions on your Notice of Hearing. You do not need to be in the same place as your witnesses during the hearing.

If you use a cell phone, please be sure the battery is fully charged and that you have clear reception. If you are disconnected, you need to call back into the hearing right away.

If you do not have access to a phone, you may arrange to use one at your local WorkSource office. Please be sure to make the arrangements before the day of your hearing.

How do I research the law?

OAH cannot provide legal advice. If you would like to research the law, click Legal Research and Resources.

Additional resources:

Resource Phone Number Website

OCLA (Office of Civil Legal Aid)

New COVID-19 resources including free legal representation
  OCLA Website
Unemployment Law Project

Free legal representation, and free advice and counsel

(888) 441-9178 (Seattle)

(800) 940-9178 (Spokane)


Form: ULP Contact Page (click "Ask a Question")

Fax: (206) 727-4819

Employment Security Department

(800) 318-6022

Title 50 RCW

(Statute governing Employment Security Department hearings)

  Title 50 RCW

Washington Law Help

Past decisions from ESD hearings

  Precedential Decisions

OAH Legal Research & Resources page

  Legal Research


Click below to view the brochure “How to Prepare and Present Your Unemployment Hearing.”

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