Hearing Request Public Assistance Form

If you have any questions, call (360) 407-2700 or (800) 583-8271

OAH may take online hearing requests for:

  • Food assistance
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Community Options Program Entry System (COPES)
  • Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDD/DDA)
  • Medical Assistance Transfer (MAT)
  • Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

If your hearing is about something else, please call (360) 407-2700 or (800) 583-8271.

Note:  If you are being evicted from a medical facility, please fill out the medical hearing request form or call (360) 407-2700 or (800) 583-8271. 

Full Name
Are you completing this form for someone else?
Are you representing the appellant?
Are you an attorney?
Representative Name
Representative Address
Benefits at Issue
Are you receiving continued benefits?
Are you requesting your benefits to continue at the same level while waiting for your hearing?
(For example: TANF, Food Stamps, etc.)
Do you wish to file an appeal against the additional benefits being reduced or terminated?
Do you need an interpreter for the hearing?
Do you have any concerns that you will be unable to participate in the hearing due to a disability?

Please note that anything submitted past 5:00 PM (Pacific Time) is not considered filed until the following business day.

After submitting the request for hearing, you can email supporting documents to oahcsc@oah.wa.gov