Declaration of (Name) First Name Last Name Docket Number(s) You only need to answer the questions related to what you want. For example, if you are seeking to have the fine reduced, but do not want a payment plan, you would only answer the questions in the mitigation section. Mitigation 1. Please state the reason it was necessary to drive faster than the posted speed limit in the highway work zone. 2. Is there any additional information you would like the judge to consider regarding whether you are responsible? No Yes If yes, please describe what that additional information is: Payment Plan 1. What dollar amount are you requesting to pay in each installment? 2. How frequently do you want to make payments? Weekly Monthly Other… Enter other… 3. What is your monthly household income? 4. Do any other members of your household (i.e., roommate(s) or other adults living with you) help pay for household expenses (rent/mortgage, power, food, etc.)? No Yes If yes, how much do these household members contribute per month? 5. Why do you need the payment plan at the amount and frequency that you are requesting? 6. What is your monthly net income? 7. After all your required monthly living expense are paid, how much extra money do you have per month? 8. Please list your monthly required living expenses, such as, but not limited to, rent, utilities, childcare, insurance, etc. Additional Information - PDF files only Upload Maximum 5 files.100 MB limit.Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of Washington that the facts I have provided on this form are true. I agree. Submit Leave this field blank