After your Licensing Hearing

What to Expect After your Hearing

When will the judge make the decision?

The judge will not tell you their decision at the hearing. You will receive a written order in the mail.

Please allow two months and time for mailing for your order to arrive unless the judge said otherwise. If you do not receive it, please call OAH at 360-407-2700 or 800-583-8271.

The order will be written in English. For a free translation of your order, call 360-407-2700 or 800-583-8271.

How does the judge decide my case?

The judge will take time to review the facts presented at the hearing and read laws that apply to your case. The judge must follow the law when making a decision.

What if I disagree with the order?

If you disagree with the judge’s decision you have the right to appeal. Your appeal rights depend on the type of case.

There will be instructions on how to appeal with the written decision. Be sure to follow the instructions. There are strict deadlines and requirements.